Mamma-Pillo Mondays
Strength with @mammapillo 😀
Whether you are breast feeding or bottle feeding, you need to hold the bottle or bub is independant.
Both you and bub can benefit from the feeding pillow.
Very soft and they offer a very wide variety of covers to choose from!
They make the perfect gift for any mum, dad, parent-to-be or carer! So what are you waiting for?
#igbaby #nursingarmpillow #infant #nursingpillow #fedisbest #motherandbaby #motherhoodthroughinstagram #bottleandbreast #mammapillo
#postnatal #mumboss #mumlife #nursingsleeve #nursingfriendly #nursingwear #nursingcushion #armnursingpillow #breastfeedingpillow #mommymusthave #babygear #babybump #mothersandbabies #pregnancymusthaves #showergifts #fashion #mumsandbubsau #mummyrep #brandrep