🗣GOOD TO KNOW: mom’s who are on to their second child knows how super “likot” their baby tots can be! So while you’re pregnant and still co-sleeping with your first born, its a great idea to put a barrier between you and your kid! And that’s where @snugahug fits in perfectly! Because the #snugahugpillow is stable enough to keep your “baby belly” 🤰🏼safe from the punches and side kicks they throw while they are asleep😴😴. #snugahug is also perfect because even if its placed between you and your kid. You can still be close and hug him at night! 👉🏻Check out the picture perfect of @rikiflo And her son Calix.
Thank you for this post Riki!
By the way you may catch
Riki with @delamararias And @andimanzano at @magic899 for the ground breaking @themothershowph 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
They’re NOW on its second season! The show airs FRIDAYS 9-12nn for all parenting hacks, and advices! You may also watch them live stream on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/TheMotherShowPH/ 😊#pregnancypillow #maternitypillow #nursingpillow #notjustapillow #breastfeedingpillow