Mamma-pillo’s are so lightweight and portable simply pop it in your bag or pram basket and you are ready to nurse anytime, anywhere. .
We are out and about today, off to pick up some last minute items for my eldest for Kindy 😱 he starts on Monday 😭😭😭 I can’t believe my biggest baby is all grown up and off to Kindy. .
Side note Look at this cool lil dude totally rocking that man bun! @becoming.harrison You are Such a spunk 😍 🤱🏻Black and white Chevron Mamma-pillo shown
#breastfeedingpillow #feedingpillow
#feedanywhere #feeding
#babyessentials #babystuff #babymusthave #babymusthaves #babyitems #babyaccesories
#momessentials #mommymusthave #nursingmama #infant #newborn #babies #motherandbaby #newmum #mum #mumandbub #mothersandbabies #mammapillo #nursingpillow