It’s day two of @molliemakes insta challenge #molliemakersweek and today’s it’s all about ME// funnily enough I came across this rather frazzled picture of myself yesterday, so I thought it would be apt to post. So hi, I’m Rebecca and this is a bit of a throwback now to when the twins were teeny. Here I am knackered and caught on camera, tandem breastfeeding the babes whilst working away on my computer - this was the very start of Pip & Cherry. A business I’m starting up on maternity leave (this was me designing the website) I make personalised fabric name books for babies, using vintage fabrics to appliqué beautiful pictures. My company Pip & Cherry is launching at the end of the month.
This picture pretty much sums up my life right now - balancing being a Mum and starting a business - tricky huh?! There is so much inspiration on these squares though... you mamas all make it look so possible!
#meetthemakers #mummaker #breastfeedingtwins #breastfeedingmum #tandemfeeding #molliemakersweek #workingmum #mumlife #breastfeedingpillow #workingmommy #workingmumsrock #breastfeedingjourney #youcandoitall #workingfromhomemom #frazzledmom #realmothers #capturingmotherhood #mumtrepeneur #feedingandworking #twinstagram #twinlife #lovemytwins #lifewithtwins #normalisingbreastfeeding #twiniversity #tamba #flexappeal #twinningtuesday #mumoftwins #visiblewomen