We are madly braving the shops today to get our last Grocery shop done before Christmas (with our Mamma-pillo on hand for sneaky bottle pit stops of course 😉) 🙈 but seriously what was I thinking? What fresh hell is this? people are going full on Burko at the shops today and I am getting a serious case of stroller rage (it’s like road rage but in a stroller) 😂🙈🙊🤣😆 Please tell me I am not alone 🙈😂😂😂
📷 @lifeofzaryis .
. #nursingpillow #breastfeedingpillow #feedingpillow
#feedanywhere #feeding
#babyessentials #babystuff #babymusthave #babymusthaves #babyitems #babyaccesories
#momessentials #mommymusthave #nursingmama #infant #newborn #babies #motherandbaby #newmum #mum #mumandbub #mothersandbabies #mammapillo #sale